Glock 43 Problems - So I got myself a Glock 43 when they first came out. Until yesterday I was too busy to come to the shooting range. I have a problem with the magazine jamming if I don't insert it completely straight. I googled and found some other people had the problem and a bunch of DIY fixes. I'm not messing with it myself as I plan on it being a future carry gun and just mail it to Glock. I prefer guns 100% out of the box and unmodded unless this is done by the manufacturer.

Anyone here send their gun to Glock to be fixed and they get it back yet? Do you know what they do? Is there a revised journal publication? Do they only tease the magazine issue where it snaps? Attached are some pictures of my problem. On reloading it actually stopped when the magazine was inserted and the plastic gouged over the top of the magazine. Also, this issue went through about (150) 115 grain FMJ and about (25) 147 grain Federal HST with no feeding or ejection issues.

Glock 43 Problems

Glock 43 Problems

I called Glock about mine, they said they would send me a new magazine catch. However, the guy acted like I was a complete inconvenience to him by the end of the conversation.

Glock 42 Vs 43. Which Is Better For Concealed Carry? [2022]

I installed my replacement from the factory last week when it arrived via FedEx. It seems that the people there took the file and made the adjustments themselves. I'm sure eventually the form will be changed and the problems will end.

After seeing it in person, I could have easily made the arrangements myself. Like you, I prefer to make my carry gun factory except for night vision goggles.

So I called and they offered to send me a new magazine publication. They also said send me the magazine I want to replace and they will send a new magazine.

I didn't want to do that so I told the support engineer that I don't disassemble my guns except for field cleaning as the manual says. I leave all but the disassembly to the gunsmith. I said I didn't feel comfortable installing the magazine release and I was worried I would get it back together and have it work. I suspect that due to liability issues I was immediately offered a shipping label and asked to send the gun and all my magazines and they would repair it and replace any damaged magazines and make sure everything was working when I got it back. is

Review: Vickers Tactical Mag Catch And Slide Stop For The Glock 43 The Firearm Blog

When the person was spoken to, he said that some of the magazine releases were at the top of acceptable tolerances and this was the cause of the problem. Couldn't tell from their reply if they now have a revised journal release or if they just double measure the replacement and possibly manually bevel it? I guess I'll find out when I get it back. It seems that return times are now 1-2 weeks at most.

I don't have the G43 yet but I was shooting a rental film last weekend and noticed the same thing, every time I tried to insert the magazine I had to stop the magazine release.

Sig763 said: I called Glock about mine, they said they would send me a new magazine catch. However, the guy acted like I was a complete inconvenience to him by the end of the conversation. Click to expand... Yep, the person I spoke to was a ***** too. He couldn't tell me if it was the same one that was sent or a newly modified one. Total ass.

Glock 43 Problems

Got my Glock 43 back today. Was a really fast transaction! They replaced all (6) of the magazines that were shipped and I suspect they replaced or modified the magazine catch. And don't stop at the magazine release. Try all angles and magazines go in nice and easy!

Not A Glock 43, Ss80 Build. I Think It Turned Out Pretty Sweet. Description In Comments

KGNickl said: Got my Glock 43 back today. Was a really fast transaction! They replaced all (6) of the magazines that were shipped and I suspect they replaced or modified the magazine catch. And don't stop at the magazine release. Try all angles and magazines go in nice and easy! Chronicle: 23.6. The parcel was delivered on Fedex 24.6. Package delivered in Glock 29.6. Repaired package pending Glock 7.1 delivered to me Click to enlarge... Glad it worked out for you.

I made an adjustment on my release and it worked fine in an IDPA match, but I read on a forum (this one?) that if you contact Glock they will send a new one plus some magazines for my efforts. Received magazine catch/release from FedEx yesterday but no magazine. I knew it sounded too good to be true.

Also, typing these answers takes a long time because there is a delay between my fingers hitting the keys and the letters appearing. Anyone else having problems with the new website?

When I first saw it, I found a solution by shaking the magazine a certain way. Now that I have been shooting the gun for a while, the problem has gone away.

Trial And Error: Glock 43 Part Ii

This is an old thread, you might not get an answer and revive the old thread. Please consider creating a new thread. Like subcompacts, subcompact handguns are designed for a very specific purpose and are not necessarily for everyone. Some people don't feel comfortable carrying a full-sized (or mid-sized) gun like the Glock 17. However, this is usually less about confidence and more about being able to conveniently conceal wearing an IWB.

Before the single-stack 9mm gun came along, your options for deep camouflage were limited to .38 snub-nosed revolvers and .380 autos like the Bersa Thunder or the Walther PPK. While the .38 snub-nosed revolver is reliable and easy to conceal, its long trigger pull and high recoil make it notoriously difficult to shoot, not to mention its width and limited 5-round capacity. On the other hand, the .380 pistol may be a bit underpowered for effective self-defense and has a reputation for being sharp with ammunition. Small, thin and quick to reload, the 9mm single-stack was designed to solve these issues.

As Glock's first 9mm single stack, the legendary Glock 43 was engineered to the same exacting standards for which the Austrian manufacturer is renowned. This tiny 9mm Luger pistol is ultra-stealth and accurate. It's less bulky than its bigger brothers like the Glock 26, but it stands up to the same ordeal with impunity.

Glock 43 Problems

But what separates the Glock 43 from all other 9mm single stacks? Here's a complete breakdown of what you need to know.

Glock 43 Mag Insert Issue? Anyone Send To Glock?

First and foremost, the Glock 43 has something other brands don't: a track record. Compared to other brands that have only been around since the 2000s, Glock has been in the gun business since the 1980s. As such, they have an impeccable reputation. Even the most novice of people have heard of Glock.

The first gun that made novice gunsmith Gaston Glock famous was the G17—a 17-round double-action pistol that won praise for its reliability, accuracy, and ease of maintenance. Since then, Glock has never dropped the ball.

The Glock 43 comes with a flush magazine and pinky extension magazine. Large magazines are easy to remove with a beveled magazine release and safety. And the flush-mounted magazine gives you ultimate stealth. Capacity may be limited to 6+1 rounds with the standard factory magazine, but again there are many aftermarket magazines available if you want to increase the capacity to 7+1 or 8+1.

During testing, the Glock 43 fired a variety of defense ammo such as Federal Premium 124gr HST JHP, Hornady Critical Duty, and Winchester PDXI 124gr +P JHP without a flaw. Everyone knows that the 9mm Parabellum is the most popular cartridge not only in the US but around the world. There is no reason to compromise and carry a .380 when you have a compact and concealable 9mm like the G43.

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One of the main reasons people buy Glocks is the huge aftermarket support. Other than the 1911, AR-15 and Ruger 10/22, there are no other manufacturers that can match it. This means that you can basically upgrade your Glock in many ways to suit your specific needs. From magazine extensions, grip textures, and trigger and finish sights, you can make your Glock 43 completely your own. There are even laser sight options!

If you choose the G43 as your CCW, you probably want a more natural holster. Remember what we just said about aftermarket support? Given how versatile the Glock is, you'll have no trouble finding your perfect holster. The G43 is great for an IWB holster, but can also work if you want to keep it in your pocket – with the right holster of course. Whichever CCW position you choose, remember to practice extracting so you don't run into obstacles when you really need to.

We're not the only ones who love the Glock 43.

Glock 43 Problems

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